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Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Fischer factory.

Export of Products

Export of Fischer products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Fischer products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Fischer: chemical, steel anchors, frame fasteners, general purpose fasteners, fasteners for hollow materials, electrical installation, bathrooms, scaffolding, mounting foams and sealants, adhesives, drills and bits, cutting and stripping wheels, screws, mounting, facade systems
  • Facade systems Fischer
    Facade systems
    FZP, FZP-ES/K/N, LW, etc.
  • Screws Fischer
    FPF-SZ, FCS-ST, FHT-SZ, etc.
  • Cutting and stripping circles Fischer
    Cutting and stripping circles
    FCD-FP, FGD-CP, FFD-AP, etc.
  • Chemical anchors Fischer
    Chemical anchors
    FHB II, FIS EM, V, VW, FCS, etc.
  • Steel anchors Fischer
    Steel anchors
    FAZ II, ZYKON FZA, FH II, etc.
  • Frame fasteners Fischer
    Frame fasteners
    SXR, FUR, SXS, FTC-CP, etc.
  • Mounting systems Fischer
    Mounting systems
    MS-L, MS, FUS, etc.
  • Drills and bits Fischer
    Drills and bits
    SDS Plus, Max IV, II, FPB, etc.
  • Adhesives Fischer
    MK, KK, KD, PVC, etc.
  • Mounting foams and sealants Fischer
    Mounting foams and sealants
    PUP B2, B3, PUFS B1, etc.
  • General purpose fasteners Fischer
    General purpose fasteners
    UX, SX, FMD, MS, FTP K, etc.
  • Crepe. for cavities. materials Fischer
    Crepe. for cavities. materials
    HM, K, KD, PD, GK, GKM, etc.
  • Fasteners for electrical installation Fischer
    Fasteners for electrical installation
    KB, SHA, RC, FC, SCH, NSB, etc.
  • Fasteners for bathrooms Fischer
    Fasteners for bathrooms
    WDP, KM, WCN, WCR, WWB, etc.
  • Crepe. for scaffolding Fischer
    Crepe. for scaffolding
    GS, FI G, GS, RI, etc.
  • Thermal insulation fasteners Fischer
    Thermal insulation fasteners
    DHK, DHM, DIPK, DT, etc.


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